by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Crocus pallasii aff. Ariasos (Code: 77)

Crocus  pallasii aff. Ariasos
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Crocus  pallasii aff. Ariasos Crocus  pallasii aff. Ariasos Crocus  pallasii aff. Ariasos
Originally it was collected out of flowers between ruins of ancient Ariasos North of Antalya and when bloomed in my collection, turned extremely variable - some individuals resembled Crocus assumaniae, growing far to the East, few had colour and stigma as in C. kofudagensis (growing far to the West), but most of them resembled some of Turkish crocuses at present regarded as C. pallasii aff. Revisiting of site at blooming time confirmed huge variability of this population. Is it the place where met all those species or something else - I don't know. At least species status for both - kofudagensis and assumaniae were confirmed by DNA. Offered plants are excellent selection made by my Czech friend Vaclav from plants collected by us inside ruins of Roman city Ariasos with dark bright violet flowers. Could be different species, usually regarded as "pallasii" but true pallasii is not growing in this region. So correct name for this one still is unclear, but it is good grower in open garden as well as in pots regardless of applied name.
Price: 10.00 EUR
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