Dear Friends
New list - season 2025 - is open
SORRY! My income quota is almost completely full so I'm forced to cancel accepting of new orders!
Since my nursery is registered as a small farm, I have a limited allowed amount of annual income to maintain this status. Otherwise, I would have to hire a certified public accountant and provide monthly tax reports. Therefore, I carefully watch that the total volume of sales does not exceed the allowed limit, and as soon as it approaches, I stop accepting new orders.
Don't use PayPal, please
Dear friends and garden lovers!
One more year has passed again - there were joys, discoveries and also failures. There was a total of 4 research expeditions to the mountains – I visited Greece twice, I visited Albania for the first time and once the already traditional Iran. Unfortunately, the second Iran trip had to be canceled due to the conflict between Israel and Iran, it became too risky. I hope that in the future it will still be possible to realize this trip, because several interesting discoveries await there and I hope for PEACE.
Unfortunately, I accidentally tripped in the garden and broke the little finger of my right hand. The finger is small, but the plaster was big, and during the hottest time of digging and transplanting bulbs for a whole month, I was excluded from the circulation and a lot remained undone.
I have turned 78 and it's time to take a well-deserved rest, but I'm still planning trips to the mountains, where you can still find a lot of interesting things. Even though I have promised myself to reduce cultivation, the amount of the collection increased again last year, new crocuses have arrived the most and currently there are 1950 samples of crocuses in the collection - 200 more than a year ago, and the total number of all samples in my collection has reached 4735, which are planted there in around 10.000 pots. It can be understood that it is not easy to select an offer for the catalog from this number. Until 10-15 years ago, I offered to my customers at least 600-700 varieties every season, now I have firmly decided to stick to 300 items. But... When compiling the list of the largest stocks, there were more than 600 and then the striping out began. In the end, I stuck with the number 320. However, if you want a special plant, feel free to ask and add it to your order at the end as "special wishes", and if possible, I will try to fulfill your dream.
Despite the high inflation, my prices have remained the same, only in a few cases they have been raised. This is mainly because the quantity of bulbs offered is small and most likely the demand will be greater than my capabilities. All the bulbs I offer are only grown by myself and I do not buy them for resale. I never sell wild-harvested bulbs or those grown by others. My specimens are mostly propagated by seed and in the spring, during the flowering season one of my main jobs (without research) is to walk around the greenhouse with a bunch of brushes in my hands pollinating the flowers. Of course, I cannot rule out the interference of bees and bumblebees in my work. I can't isolate the flowers, and therefore some hybrids can appear now and then among the seedlings.
Since my nursery is registered as a small farm, I have a limited allowed amount of annual income to maintain this status. Otherwise, I would have to hire a certified public accountant and provide monthly tax reports. Therefore, I carefully watch that the total volume of sales does not exceed the allowed limit, and as soon as it approaches, I stop accepting new orders. Last year it was reached already in January, so if you want to receive the intended plants, do not delay in ordering.
I dispatch ordered bulbs immediately after harvesting - already in June and July at the latest, in line of ordering. Pre-paid orders are dispatched first. Prepayment is mandatory for the first-time customers. I cannot send bulbs/seeds to Australia and New Zealand, I do not serve customers from Russia.
Sincerely Yours
Jānis Rukšāns, Dr. biol. h.c.
If you have problems with login, send your wishlist to me directly by my e-mail address listing item number, name, number of bulbs ordered and total summ of your order. I will do the rest. Item number is obligatory!!!
This year we again will have CROCUS DAYS - when every one can come and watch my collection on place. Crocus blooming time last season started mid-February, but if winter will be "normal" - it will be in March so we will accept visitors during daylight at any sunny day. Only, please, inform us about your coming at least day before.
Contact me by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details
Mid-june at our place usually is PEONY DAY, the last Sunday of July and the first Sunday of August will be PHLOX DAYS organized by my wife Guna who runs perennial nursery - peonies, phlox, hosta, waterlilies etc. All summer perennials you can buy in situ - coming to our nursery. We offer bare rooted or potted plants which can't be dispatched abroad by post, so you must come by yourself to pick them up.
Her e-mail address is the same as mine.
Some our customers had problems with ordering, so follow instruction step by step as written below, and it will work without any problems:
Log in with your password.
Open catalogue,
select items and numbers of each,
add to Cart,
when finished at top of page go to “Basket”
On right bottom corner – Checkout
Enter your name and address, e-mail
and delivery address (if different) or write in each box - xx
Then Next (left bottom corner)
Then enter 0 in field Phyto (or 15,- if phyto is needed), 10,- or 15,- in field postage costs, 0 in field Bank costs
Then Next
Check your order and put “x” in box “Terms of Business”
Confirm Order
and it will be sent to me automatically.
Attention! When you will complete your order, don't leave empty boxes for phytocertificate costs (write there - 0.00 if you live in EU), postage costs (at least 10.00 for EU and at least 15.00 for others) and bank costs. You must enter at least "0" in each box. Payment box is only for information how and where (when) you will pay for your order. You must write this in the field. It is not joyned with bank accounts. Sorry.
Wishing you a nice gardening season, sincerely Yours
Janis Ruksans