by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Crocus hatayensis RUDA-117 - type gathering (Code: 57)

Crocus  hatayensis RUDA-117 - type gathering
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Crocus  hatayensis RUDA-117 - type gathering Crocus  hatayensis RUDA-117 - type gathering Crocus  hatayensis RUDA-117 - type gathering Crocus  hatayensis RUDA-117 - type gathering
Here I'm offering type gathering of this very unusual crocus allied to C. kotschyanus, but with very special shape of flowers and colour, what immediately allows to identify it. It always makes leaves during flowering and at end of blooming they reach around 5-9 cm in length. Regardless of this - it is hardy and didn't suffered in even snowless winter during almost 20 years of cultivation. Of course - it has different cytology, too, what clearly indicates that it is not C. kotschyanus. Very pretty and unusual!
Price: 15.00 EUR
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