by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Crocus melantherus BM-8033 (Code: 92)

Crocus  melantherus BM-8033
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Crocus  melantherus BM-8033 Crocus  melantherus BM-8033 Crocus  melantherus BM-8033 Crocus  melantherus BM-8033 Crocus  melantherus BM-8033
An autumn-blooming member of the large C. biflorus group from Greece earlier wrongly named as „C. crewei”. Flowers are white marked with small, deeply coloured, almost black, stripes on the outside, rarely stippled grey. The anthers are with a black connective, rarely entirely black, but sometimes yellow. A very distinct and attractive plant with a nice honey scent. This is one of the most attractive forms, originally collected by Brian Mathew already in 1980, when he worked on his monograph.
Price: 8.00 EUR
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