by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Scilla longistylosa aff. (Code: 351)

Scilla longistylosa aff.
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Scilla longistylosa aff. Scilla longistylosa aff. Scilla longistylosa aff.
I have this Turkish bluebell from 3 localities around Antalya and I intend to publish it as new species under name Scilla antalyensis. By key morphological features it something resembles Scilla longistylosa published by F. Speta from very W of Turkey (between Fethiye and Sögüt, growing also on Rhodos, Greece) having similarly long style. From surroundings of Antalya previously were known only plants with short style. Regardless of name, this is one of the most beautiful Scilla from S. bifolia group.
Price: 25.00 EUR
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