by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Puschkinia pseudopeshmenii (Code: 343)

Puschkinia pseudopeshmenii
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Puschkinia pseudopeshmenii Puschkinia pseudopeshmenii Puschkinia pseudopeshmenii
Visually this new species of Puschkinia (should be published this summer after revisit to its locality) resembles P. adwayana from Iran but is growing very far to East in Central Turkey. Originally was found by Dr. Arnis Seisums, who collected its seeds and shared those with other members of our team already 20 years ago, but we never had time to work on it, although no one had doubt that it really is new species. Flowers mostly greenish creamy white but bluish shaded could occur between them. In wild grows in dense, spiky shrubs on steep slope together with Ornithogalum dipcadiflorum (another species which waits for its publication)
Price: 20.00 EUR
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