by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Crocus munzurense aff. KPPZ-186 (Code: 252)

Crocus munzurense aff. KPPZ-186
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Crocus munzurense aff. KPPZ-186 Crocus munzurense aff. KPPZ-186 Crocus munzurense aff. KPPZ-186
This crocus found by Henrik Zetterlund in 1990 looks something similar to typical Crocus munzurense although is collected SE from Tunceli in region not more achievable due Kurdish revolution. It makes large cormlets at mother bulbs base and is stoloniferous, what is not common between annulate spring blooming crocuses. Good grower and increaser. Most likely need proper name.
Price: 40.00 EUR
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