by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Allium paradoxum Elburz (Code: 16)

Allium paradoxum Elburz
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Allium paradoxum Elburz Allium paradoxum Elburz Allium paradoxum Elburz Allium paradoxum Elburz
Abundantly blooming form of this allium growing wild in something moist spots, so, if you are planting it in pots, you must bring them out of greenhouse during summer hot. Excellent grower in garden but prefer something shaded spots, where can grow for years covering ground as snow for its bright white flowers - so abundant is its blooming. Not require replanting - can stay on place for years. Originally collected in Iran in moist depressions near streams on Elburz mountain slopes.
Price: 5.00 EUR
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