by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Puschkinia kurdistanica BATM-060 (Code: 341)

Puschkinia kurdistanica BATM-060
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Puschkinia kurdistanica BATM-060 Puschkinia kurdistanica BATM-060
A gorgeous almost pure white new species of Puschkinia, earlier regarded as colour variation of P. peshmenii. P. kurdistanica has at base greenish blue toned flowers with tiny trace of blue-green on the midribs of the buds. Later flowers become more bluish toned. It is vigorous in growth, forming 20cm tall spikes, having long pedicels and is even more floriferous than P. peshmenii. Our team found this beauty during BATMAN expedition near Tatvan-Van road. Typical P. peshmenii with greenish coloured flowers (so named Rix form) was found in Hakkari province in very East Turkey, near Iranian border. More about this discovery you can read in online magazine International Rock Garden, 2019, August issue (#116) edited by Scottish Rock Garden Club.
Price: 12.00 EUR
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