by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Crocus kangalensis (Code: 154)

Crocus kangalensis
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Crocus kangalensis Crocus kangalensis
Crocus kangalensis was published by Kerndorff & Pasche only few years ago, unfortunately the data about locality from where it was described is given very approximately. Pity, but most of new species published by both German researchers are characterized by observations of single population, so they not always characterizes all spectrum of variability. Plants offered here are collected near Kangal and are slightly different in some features from plants described by HKEP. The main difference is in colour of flower tube which in my stock is darker striped, but according HKEP must be light. But I’m sure that mine stock belongs to the same species,
Price: 22.00 EUR
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