by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Crocus The World of Crocuses. The First Supplement (Code: 400)

Crocus    The World of Crocuses. The First Supplement
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Crocus    The World of Crocuses. The First Supplement Crocus    The World of Crocuses. The First Supplement
Six years passed since my monograph "The World of Crocuses" was published. During this time some new conclusions about growing tips came, some more features were used to separate species. And most important 31 new species of crocuses were recognized throughout all Crocus distribution area starting from Portugal and ending in Iran, inclusive the first true yellow late autumn blooming crocus hybrid. Of course several mistakes of main volume were corrected and additions to species descriptions added - colour pictures, distribution maps etc., etc. You can still order it. The price including postage costs is 40,- Eu from this summ 5,- Euro are donated to support Ukrainian army in their fight against fascists of XXI century - Russian putinists. You can order book writing to me also by e-mail: janis.bulb@hawk.lv On front cover - Crocus marandicus, back cover - Crocus harpkeae.
Price: 40.00 EUR
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