by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Crocus cigdemiae (Code: 120)

Crocus cigdemiae
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Crocus cigdemiae Crocus cigdemiae Crocus cigdemiae
Together with C. thirkeanus and C. bozdagensis it is crocus with the brightest yellow even something orange-yellow flowers, but contrary to its relatives it makes something larger corms (they still are small) with different tunics and isn’t stoloniferous. The stock grown at present in cultivation under name "gargaricus" came from SW Turkey, Gok Tepe, N of Muģla and was originally collected by Jim Archibald. As I predicted - in 2024 it received proper name. True C. gargaricus from NW Turkey, Mt. Kaz Dağı, seem not to be in cultivation at all. This research was performed by Turkish botanist Osman Erol and in Gatersleben Institute (Germany). If some of you have true C. gargaricus from Kazdag - would be happy to buy/swap it with you!
Price: 7.00 EUR
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