by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Ornithogalum dipcadiflorum (Code: 337)

Ornithogalum dipcadiflorum
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Ornithogalum dipcadiflorum Ornithogalum dipcadiflorum
This unique ornithogalum was for the first time offered only few years ago for significantly higher price, but everyone customer got instead of one ordered plant two plants. This species is completely selfsterile, so due very good bulb crop I doubled number of bulbs for each order to ensure further propagation by seeds. So this year I again reduced price. It still is not published and so name could be changed later, but it is very unique between other ornithogalums and according its discoverer Arnis Seisums most likely belongs even to new series.
Price: 12.00 EUR
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