by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Crocus aleppicus (Code: 24)

Crocus  aleppicus
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Crocus  aleppicus Crocus  aleppicus Crocus  aleppicus Crocus  aleppicus Crocus  aleppicus
This is a late autum blooming species found in stony places and low scrub across a wide area from western Syria (in the Aleppo region – hence the name) into Jordan, Lebanon and Israel, It blooms from November and although flowers are quite small but they are borne in clusters of several to each corm. The flower colour is generally white, variably marked with a yellow in the throat below a divided orange style and yellow-orange anthers, sometimes with black in connective. On the exterior there is usually some purple striping, especially towards the tube. It needs dry and hot summer conditions, if left all the year round in greenhouse it blooms very abundantly
Price: 25.00 EUR
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