by Dr. Janis Ruksans & Liga Popova

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Crocus bolensis (Code: 40)

Crocus  bolensis
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Crocus  bolensis Crocus  bolensis Crocus  bolensis Crocus  bolensis
Beautiful species from Crocus speciosus group with many-branched style hidden between anthers allowing its easy separation from the other species in this group. It raised my attention as being something special long before I published it as a distinct species. Crocus bolensis was found across the Lake Abant region of Northern Turkey in alpine turf and in woodland clearings. There is a noticeable “glow” in the throat caused by a lack of violet in the very centre of the flower, which helps to contrast the veining. The throat itself is white but sometimes a pale yellow colouration is present. Readily grown in well-drained loam-based soil and this does not need a hot, dry summer rest. Also good for pots. It blooms early in the autumn crocus season - days ahead of its nearest relatives.
Price: 10.00 EUR
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